Dr. Suggs on Optimizing Food Packaging Labels and Why Less is More: Prepared Foods

Dr. Julie Rice Suggs, our Academic Director, recently wrote for PreparedFoods.com—exploring the philosophy that when it comes to food packaging, less is more. Dr. Suggs reflects on a study conducted by Package InSight to test sustainability messaging on paperboard food packaging.

Dr. Suggs stated:

"An eye-tracking study was performed utilizing CUshop™, a fully-immersive, in-context, retail consumer-experience laboratory located on the Clemson University campus. Eye tracking was chosen as the primary methodology for this study because this technology offers insight into shoppers' nonconscious decision making by recording eye movements and visual fixations."

"In this study, sustainability logos were applied to faux-brand paperboard packages in five product categories found within a typical grocery store. This unique logo was designed to replicate an inspection or grading scale (e.g., local public health department's A-B-C grading of restaurants) and the validation of the grade by a large objective entity (e.g., Brewers Association Independent Craft Brewer Seal)."

Read the full article here: https://www.preparedfoods.com/articles/121765-when-it-comes-to-food-packaging-labels-less-is-more


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