
Packaging Machinery

Learn to integrate machines into an effective packaging line, emphasizing co-packer selection, package design impact, and optimization for proficiency.
4 Hours
36 Lessons
Future Proof Your Skills

Your Journey Starts Here

This course as part of the Certificate of Packaging Science, a comprehensive program covering all major aspects of packaging materials, processes, and design.

What You Will Learn
This course enable students to learn how individual machines can be connected to create a packaging line. You will learn: how to be realistic in selecting a co-packer, how the structural design of a package influences the efficiency of the line, and how you can optimize your package design and machinery to produce the most proficient packaging line.​
Course Objectives
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Understand how to make business decisions in relation to packaging machinery surrounding efficiency and efficacy
Learn about the types of packaging machinery used when producing high volume quantities
Review proper machine terminology and apply this information when referencing machinery in the packaging industry
Comprehend the fundamentals of the levels of packaging and automation
Review the production line in depth, from layouts and orientating equipment to processes such as filling, closing, and thermoforming
Learn about the evolution of machinery and developments made through industrial revolutions
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Who We Are

The Packaging School brings together the business, art, and science of packaging so you can lead projects, optimize supply chains, increase margins, and develop sustainable solutions.

Our company headquarters are located in Greenville, SC. Please reach out to us at 864-412-5000 or info@packagingschool.com.

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